Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30 am

Why a search?

On September 9, 2024 Pastor Scott shared with the Elder board that after 20 years of faithfully preaching God’s Word and shepherding the body of Calvary Community Church, his time as Senior Pastor was drawing to a close and that he would be submitting his resignation. On Sunday September 15th he shared this decision with the body. In the weeks that followed the elders and Scott had additional discussions about the timing of his resignation, and it was mutually decided that December 31, 2024 would be Scott’s last day as senior pastor. Our prayer is that God will richly bless Scott and his wife Jaime as they continue to follow Jesus into the next chapter of their lives.

What happened next?

The Elder board began working on three specific needs the church would be dealing with in this new season of Calvary’s life. The first need was to ensure that the body would continue to receive excellent biblical teaching from the Word each week by securing experienced and qualified men to fill the pulpit in the weeks to come, and that Calvary’s ministries would be able to continue to thrive and grow. To help ensure each ministry’s needs were being met, an Elder liaison was assigned to them. The Elders were also able to schedule Dr. Harry Shields from the Moody Bible Institute and Pastor David Andreson from Converge to fill the pulpit for the month of January of 2025. And on February 2nd, Rich Ammentorp, one of Calvary’s Elders, shared “The Story of H.O.P.E. about The Heart for Africa mission project.

To address the 2nd need, ongoing pastoral care and leadership for the body, the Elders made the decision to work with Interim Pastor Ministries. The role of Interim Pastor Ministries is to seek out and provide Calvary Community Church with a qualified, experienced, mature interim pastor whose goal is to be a strong bridge to our next pastor. To keep the church moving ahead during this season the Elder team felt that Calvary would be best served with not only a consistent pastoral presence, but also with consistent preaching.  

On January 14th, 2025 the Elder Board met with Pastor David Riemenschnieder, IPM’s approved interim pastor candidate. Pastor David, now retired, is the founding Pastor of Bloomingdale Church. After the meeting, much discussion and prayer, the Elders extended an invitation to Pastor David to be Calvary’s interim pastor for the foreseeable future. Pastor David began filling the pulpit on February 9th, 2025.

Thirdly, a Pastor Search Team was formed to seek out qualified pastor candidates. To aid in this work the Elders made the decision to work with the Converge Placement Network. The Converge Placement Network is part of our denominational conference and is a national placement ministry whose role is to help match qualified candidates with like-minded churches. They will guide Calvary’s search team and elder board through a six-step process that will help us understand who we are as a congregation, and what type of pastor will best serve Calvary in our next season of ministry.

Where are we in the process?

Know someone who might be interested in applying?