Women's Conference - Discounted tickets will be sold by Elaine Darnall through February 23 for the In the Word Conference with Jen Wilkin. The conference takes place on April 25-26. More information can be found on the church website.
Young Life Community - We’ll meet on Friday, February 21st at 7 pm in the Refinery Room. It’ll be an evening of fellowship, food, and Bible teaching, with small group discussions. Everyone’s welcome, come connect and grow with us! This group is for young adults in the community and surrounding areas. Childcare will not be provided. Please see Joshua Steuer with any questions or to confirm attendance. We look forward to seeing you there!
Women's Outing - You are invited to make your own wooden craft at Board & Brush in St. Charles on February 28th! More information on how to register for this event can be found on the church website or at the Welcome Center.
Men’s Book Study begins Thursday, March 6th at 6:00am. We will be studying 12 Ordinary Men by John MacArthur. Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Jim Byrd.
Women's Breakfast - Spring is coming!!! Sign up to bring a dish to share at the March 15th Potluck Breakfast! Bible study leader Christie Angelos will share a devotional with us. Wear green if you feel festive!
Refinery - FMSC event on Friday March 28th, 7:00-9:00 PM. We will meet at and pick-up from Feed My Starving Children. Contact Joshua Steuer for more information.
Worship Ministry needs help in the tech ministry. No experience needed; we will train interested people. Contact Bill Mayer for more information.
Communion Servers Needed – Anyone interested in being a communion server, please contact John Keane at jkeane0815@gmail.com.
MERT Team is looking for licensed doctors, nurses or paramedics to join our Medical Emergency Response Team. Anyone interested please contact Angela Baisler at Angela.baisler@gmail.com with questions and for details.
Youth Leaders Needed! Do you love students (Jr. & Sr. High)? Do you want to see students come to know and grow in a relationship with Jesus? Are you willing to give a few hours each week to serve? If so, we can use your help in Refinery! Refinery is looking for leaders (especially women) to work with 6-12th graders.
Meals for the Master - We are in need of volunteers to bless people in need of meals during sicknesses and other trials of life. If you are interested in serving, please email Ruth Rumbles at msrums@sbcglobal.net.
New Positions Available! - The Children's ministry is growing fast and new positions have become available. Talk to Eva about sitting in and observing a class to see if there is a place for you in the children’s ministry. We need a One-on-one Preschool Aide, Kinder/1st grade Teacher, Kinder/1st grade Assistant, and Infant Nursery Attendant.
Baptism - If you have trusted in Jesus Christ as your Savior and have never been baptized by immersion in obedience to him as Lord, now is the time! Please contact one of the Elders for more information.
Prayer Meetings - Every Sunday morning at 8am and Wednesday night at 7pm we have prayer meetings via Zoom. See the website for the Zoom login information under the "About" section and the heading "Prayer." We'd love to see you there!
Men’s Volleyball - meets every Tuesday night 7:30-9:00pm in the gym. Contact Lou Spacone for more info.
Mom's Small Group - If you are a mama of a munchkin and are interested in joining a small group dedicated to supporting moms, please pick up a flyer outside of the nursery and preschool area or email mamasandmunchkinsccc@gmail.com.