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Why Advent?

Advent Candles 4

Years ago I introduced the observance of Advent to Calvary. For many years we have mostly followed this tradition by reading Scripture and devotional thoughts, lighting candles, and praying. For some it has great meaning and significance and for others it is something they can take or leave. I'm OK with this.

For those of us who grew up in some sort of liturgical tradition it connects us to fond memories, even if the church we attended was not gospel-centered and orthodox. Many Christians today in evangelical and even non-liturgical churches (like Baptists) are finding significance in Advent to prepare for Christmas and connect with the larger church and her traditions. Is it something we have to do? Not at all. Just like Christmas itself, Advent is something we choose do. Why?

To answer this question I'd point you to a helpful article on the Desiring God website by Ryan Shelton. In this article he articulates "Seven Reasons to Celebrate Advent." The article is helpful, biblical, and Christ-centered. I'd encourage you to read it by clicking on the link below.

The first Sunday of Advent begins on November 27 and continues each Sunday thereafter through December 24. As we observe this season, I pray you'll use it as an opportunity to keep your eyes and heart centered on Jesus. May God bless you and your family as we enter this Advent season.


Pastor Scott